Contact Hebeiltd - printer friendly
IMPORTANT ! We answer all inquiries and orders. If You did not get answer from us within 24 hours (except weekends and holidays), our email has been probably marked as a "spam" in YOUR email box and therefore you have not received it.

  • Preffered: send us a message using this form (we'll get it immediately):
    Your email: * email is a required field
    VALID email please - DOUBLE CHECK FOR TYPOS ! Otherwise we won't be able to answer You...

    Subject: *subject is a required field

  • Our office hours are:
    9:00AM~17:30PM of China time
    Time in China NOW: 06:29 (Tue 01 Apr)
  • Address:
    Hebei I.T. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
    Rm. 2105, No. 6 Building, 1139 Pu dong Ave,
    200135 Shanghai, China

  • Telecom:
    Tel.: 0086/21/58526062
    Fax: 0086/21/58523251 (orders via email or this form strongly preferred)

    Cell Phone:+86 17717085007
    Skype call #: hebeiltd (only phone calls, messaging disabled)

    • calls only during our China office time or leave a message
    • pls do NOT leave a message with an order, order via email or this form instead, thanks
  • Email:
    Ella, Amy - sales managers.